
Ville inte bli soldat, hotades med fängelse

Gratis utbildning. En framtid. Så lockas fattiga amerikanska tonåringar att bli soldater i Irak. Så här låter rekryterarna:
SGT. GLENN MARQUETTE: there ain’t no partial scholarship out there that even comes close to what the Army’s giving you for college. It’s forty-plus thousand dollars.
CPL. LISETTE DIAZ: The way the economy is going right now and the way it’s going to go for the next couple of years, it’s not looking good. Sometimes you have to grow up and learn how to be a man and to take care of stuff on your own. You know what I’m saying? Do you want to sit there and live with your mom for the next three, four, five, six years or whatever? You know, you want to do something different now to what your friends are doing, because when you come back and you see what your friends are doing, still living at home with mom and dad, struggling, trying to make a job, make money, make a living, you’re going to be like, bam, I’m glad I didn’t. You know what I’m saying? I’m telling you from experience, because I see that.
När inte välfärdslöftet biter, hotar rekryteraren med fängelse:
IRVING GONZALEZ: But is there a way out? Is there a way for me to get out, because I don’t want to go in there if you are just going to like…

SGT. GLENN MARQUETTE: No, there is not a way out. You signed a binding contract.

IRVING GONZALEZ: What if I just don’t show up?

SGT. GLENN MARQUETTE: Then, guess what. You’re AWOL, absent without leave, punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 86: Deserter.
Men det fanns inget bindande avtal. Och det visste rekryteraren. Samtalet spelades in. Rekryteraren är avstängd i väntan på utredning.

Det var inte första gången det hände. En vän till Irving Gonzalez hade låtit sig luras samma hot.

Och händelsen är en repris på en liknande händelse år 2005. Den gången fick rekryteraren en tillrättavisning. Sedan befordrades han.

Democracy Now rapporterar.

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